The History of the Conflict of Russia and the Ukraine Explained


1.tense 緊張的 焦慮的

nervous and worried and unable to relax

example sentence: He is very tense since he finished the test.

2.sanction 制裁

an official order, such as the stopping of trade, that is taken against a country in order to make it obey international law 

example sentence: The UN imposed sanctions on Iraq for the invasion of Kuwait.

3. penalty 刑罰 懲處 處罰

a punishment, or the usual punishment , for doing something that is against a law

example sentence: The penalty that kill a person was hang in UK before .

4. siren 警報器 汽笛

a device for making a loud warning noise 

example sentence: The siren rang when fire came .

4. capital 首都 首府 省會

a city that is the centre of government of a country or smaller political area  

example sentence: The capital of  Taiwan is Taipei .


Q: What could the world do to help Ukraine and its people?

A: I think the world and other country already do their best job to conversation with Russia.

They had a lot of meeting with Putin but still can't get the best result. So, they war came out of control. Hope the people in Ukraine can be safe and all of them can get 

peace immediately. 

